Organic Bar Soap


Fix That gut. Your brain is connected to the tissue inside your gut. Think about it… Whenever you eat something with high sugar content, why do you feel excited for 10 minutes then crash.

There’s a deep connection between your gut and brain. Some say your gut is the second brain. I tend to believe it’s the first.


The Only Maca I’d Ever Peddle to my HomiesPine Pollen Tinctu

If you’re a man over 30, suffering from low T then pine pollen will be like a miracle for your hormones, health, and your sex life. Let me explain.

Pine pollen IS trees’ semen.

… and just like human semen, the most important vitamins and minerals are given to it…  so the tree’s offspring have the greatest chances of reproduction and survival.

Pine pollen supplement is filled with 18 amino acids, and over 200 bioactive vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants in EVERY single serving… making it one of the most powerful and safe superfoods you can consume.

What makes this herb even more unique is that it’s filled with phyto-androgens.

These are plant steroids … which is why this herb is getting so much attention.

… it’s an all-natural, drug-free way to boost free T, balance out hypogonadism and get into optimal male health.

Pine Pollen: Powder VS The Tincture

There are a couple of ways that you can consume Pine Pollen: As a powder, and a tincture. Let’s look at the pros and cons of both:

Pine Pollen Powder

Beautiful, RAW and Wild-Harvested Pine Pollen in all of its glory

Pros: Contains all the vitamins, minerals, amino acids, antioxidants and some phyto-androgens. Making this an incredible multi-vitamin and superfood. It fights free radicals (those self-destructing molecules that increase and speed up aging). And boosts your body with the nutrients it needs to repair cells and thrive.

Cons: Many of the male hormones in the powder are destroyed in your stomach before being absorbed into your bloodstream. So you don’t absorb the full spectrum of phyto-androgens. You don’t get the full boost of T…though it still seems to work here.

Pine Pollen Tincture

Pros:  Because of the alcohol extraction, phyto-hormones from Pine Pollen bypass your digestive tract and are quickly and significantly more of them are absorbed into your bloodstream. Which means the tincture gives you the greatest levels of absorption of androgens and male hormones from Pine Pollen.

Cons: Because of the alcohol extraction, many of the anti-aging minerals, vitamins, and enzymes are lost in this process.

What we recommend for optimal results is that you combine both the powder AND the tincture for optimal male hormonal health.

Because this is more powerful hormonally pine pollen tinctures are generally only recommended for men over 30 years of age.* (Though younger guys and women have had great results with it too.)
